Were do I start? Halloween was SOOOO much fun this year. Kayslee was a cow and Maddee was a chicken. Kayslee made Richards and I's Halloween. We started the night off at the church doing trunk or treat and riding on the golf cart ride then we took off to do the real trick or treating. Kayslee was so cute going up to doors and saying, "trick or treat." Then she would tell them thank you. Even if the house was scary she didn't get scared and would march right up to the front door step to ring their doorbell. Her bucket was getting to heavy so we gave her Maddee's bucket (that had no candy in it.) This was a good stragegy on our part now not knowing it but when she would go up to the doors with no candy in her bucket and they would feel sorry for her and give her lots and then when she got back to the stroller she had to empty it into her bucket afraid Maddee would be able to keep it if it was in her bucket. So every house she was getting not just one piece of candy but a handfull. It was so cute. Then when we got back to grandmas and Grandpas to pick up Maddee, Kayslee would tell her grandparents about the scary houses and how she told the monsters, " no monters don't get me" and she would put the hands up to protect her face. She was SOOOOO cute. This is such a fun age. Maddee was getting tired and really didn't understand what was going on so thank you Grandma and Grandpa who stayed home like lumps on the log. And I must add their lights were off by 8:00pm. What a fun night this was!!!! Happy Halloween everyone!